Friday, April 4, 2008

A Young Pilot

Once upon a time there was a young man that was training to be a pilot in RC AF. It was during World War II and the year was 1941.
This young man was good looking, had a great personality and as people said later girls where goo goo about him. On one occasion he became a little to close to a young lady and as result she became pregnant. In those days it was a disgrace for a well brought up lady to have a baby out of wedlock so she felt she could not tell her strict parents. Marriage at that time was not considered an option, so she was helped by a lady who was a Salvation Army major, a very compassionate lady who was by her side through the ordeal.

In 1942 the girl gave birth to a handsome son whom she kept for several weeks. It was hard to give him up however he was adopted by a good family and grownup had joined a band as a drummer. This helped him through University and he graduated as a mining engineer. He married and had two daughters but the marriage did not last. He remarried and now has a young daughter.

During all this time his birth mother married and had two daughters, she never revealed the secret about her first son.

In the meantime his father return from two tours operational flying overseas and married soon after. He was a father of four children and life went on for many years and the father and wife spoken occasional about this young man.

In the year 2000 a phone call came from an organization located in Toronto which was dedcated to reuniting adopted children too their birth parents.


Anonymous said...

Today these subjects are openly discused

Unknown said...

but what happened??? did they meet ? please finish the story!!! Jayne